The Juicy Stuff

Hey Ashlee,

Today will be a busy day. I can't start cutting grass until the dew burns off so I'll spend a little time with you.

I haven't read or responded to Boaz's email yet. Do you want me to tell him to lay off you in the chores department? Should I tell him you lived here for 18 years and never got it? Look here Ashlee, doing chores sucks. Not many people get much enjoyment from doing stupid little tasks that have to be done day after day. It's always the same stuff and it never goes away. Get with the program Ashlee! Wow Dad that's rough. Does that sound like old times around our house Ashlee? Taking the hard line didn't work then and I expect it won't work now. The truth is there is a work in your heart that hasn't been completed yet. Let me speak from my own experience. I let the Lord show me the joy of doing chores. That's the secret. Why do I do the stuff at home a lot of men consider "women's work?" It shows your mom that I love her. She sees the evidence of my love for her by my good works. Ask the Lord to show you the joy that can be yours by serving others. Do you wish now that is too late to show love to your mom? How many times did your mom ask you to clean up your room? How often did you fail to obey? On those occasions when you did clean up your room was there any joy? I bet there was not. Do you know why? Because you did it to get her off your back. Am I right? Ashlee, don't keep making the same mistake. Don't do stuff for Boaz and Ruth to get them off your back. Serve them because you love them and experience the joy that it will bring!! Doing chores will still suck but your heart will be glad. Some things can't be adequately explained sweetheart, you'll have to have some faith. Oh well, enough already.

I have not heard from AIM yet. Nor has Ms. Ellis.

Just read Boaz's email. Why is it necessary to be baptized again?

I have to do my chores now!! Ha Ha can't wait for the joy. Oh by the way, do you have any idea how much I love you?



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