Quick Note

Hey You,

I don't think you need my permission to be baptized again. If it helps, I'm not opposed to you doing it again. I do have a question for you to consider between now and the time you get baptized again. This thing you call surrender, what is that? As I continue to live there always seems to be something else the Lord points to in my life that isn't as it should be. Do you think that the Christian experience is a constant exercise in surrender? I do. I'm wondering how often a person ought to be baptized. Is once enough or as I "surrender" more should I be periodically re-baptized? I don't think it can hurt. On the other hand, there is no Biblical basis for re-baptism. If it helps you go ahead. One more thing then I have to go. Feelings and emotions are good things, but they are not always trustworthy. Trust absolutely what you see between Genesis and Revelation no matter how you feel. Always test everything else against what God says not on what others claim to have experienced.

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